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474 results for
Rights: Now! Engaging with children on matters that affect them
Rights: Now! is a level 2-3 education resource that introduces children and their teachers to children’s rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (the Children’s Conven...
Visit Rights: Now! Engaging with children on matters that affect them
Starting early
Bullying behaviour doesn't suddenly and without warning appear in children. It is a learned behavioiur and it can be unlearned. Children under the age of fice are learning how to get along with each o...
Schools and the right to discipline
This guide supports Parents and Caregivers to understand a schools right to discipline.
Office of the Ombudsman
Office of the Ombudsman – Good complaints handling by school boards of trustees.
Involving parents, carers and whānau
Consultation with parents, whānau and the school communityConsultation with parents, whānau and the wider school community is an important part of developing a school-wide bullying prevention approa...
YouthLaw - Information on bullying
Visit the YouthLaw website for more information on bullying.
Be Heard - a media guide for schools, 2018
Help tell your community about your school’s bullying prevention activities.
Digital technology: Safe and responsible use in schools
Visit the Netsafe website for more information on using technology safely and responsibly. Download the Digital Technology: Safe and responsible use in schools.
Visit Digital technology: Safe and responsible use in schools
Print category
We asked students to make a write an essay, a speech, or produce a piece of writing or artwork to express what bullying means to them. Winner: Liam SimeSenior group (Years 9-13)An arresting and powe...
The Bullying-Free NZ School Framework
Bullying prevention research and what does the evidence tell us? Since 2009 there has been a huge growth in research into bullying and schools to expand our knowledge and understanding about bullying...
Teacher Activity Pack
Download Bullying Free Week 2021 Teacher Activity Pack [7.6 MB, pdf]
Bullying-free NZ: ‘Shout-outs’ – staff activity
To focus over the week on noticing positive staff behaviours and social interactions.
Performance category
We asked students to make a short film, compose or song, create a rap, or dance to express what bullying means to them. Winner: Paulie Ewing & Te Hoko Te Riini, Tarawera High SchoolSenior group (Year...
Positive culture at intermediate school
How to select a bullying prevention programme
Read more about How to select a bullying prevention programme
- Bullying prevention & response
Bullying prevention information from the Ministry of Education.
A wellbeing and mental health teaching resource for teachers
Read more about A wellbeing and mental health teaching resource for teachers
Police intervention planning tool
Police's intervention planning tool - describes the Police whole school approach
Bullying-Free NZ Week 2016 Awards
We asked schools to share what their students did during Bullying-free NZ week 16-20 May, to be in to win one of two awards worth $500 each (one for Years 0-8 and one for Years 9-13.) The winning scho...
Steps to tackle bullying: a roadmap for schools
A roadmap to preventing bullyingTo prevent bullying, it is important for schools to use processes and tools that help develop and implement a whole-school approach incorporating the nine elements of t...
Read more about Steps to tackle bullying: a roadmap for schools
Importance of knowing what bullying is
Students Poster
Download Bullying Free Week 2021 Poster Students2 [1.6 MB, pdf]
Bullying assessment matrix
The bullying assessment matrix enables you to assess the severity, impact and frequency of a bullying incident.
What are you doing at your school?