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474 results for
Bullying-Free NZ Competition 2019 Entry Form (editable Word document)
Complete a competition form for each entry. Download, complete, and email this form. Send competition entries by 5pm, Friday 31 May.
Bullying Prevention Workshop 1: What is bullying?
Good complaints handling by school board of trustees
Download the Ombudsman guide to find out more information about good complaints handling by school Boards of Trustees.
Powerpoint category
We asked students to produce a PowerPoint presentation to set out their understanding of bullying or express what bullying means to them. Winner: Kate Timbers, Gina Devcich, Grace Coxhead & Molly O'...
Ministry of Health: Health Promoting Schools
Visit the Ministry of Health website for more information on Health Promoting Schools (HPS) programme.
ERO - School Evaluation Indicators
The Education Review Office (ERO) first introduced evaluation indicators in 2003, revising them in 2010. This new version reflects a deepening understanding of how schools improve, and the role that e...
School values
Diversity, Grace Bismark, Evelyn-May Curtis, Tallulah Sekona, Seluini Sekona: lyric
Targeted approach (early response and targeted support)
Schools can choose from a range of approaches to resolve bullying incidents. This is a growing area of research, and Australian bullying prevention expert Ken Rigby (external link) has compiled a...
Read more about Targeted approach (early response and targeted support)
Charles, Riley, Oscar, Robin & Antoine: Richmond Road School
Download Charles Riley Oscar Robin Antoine Richmond Road School [796 KB, pdf]
Bullying Prevention Workshop 8: Cyberbullying FAQs Handout
Pink Shirt Day
Pink Shirt Day aims to create schools, workplaces and communities where all people feel safe, valued and respected.
PB4L: School-Wide
Visit the Te Kete Ipurangi website for more information on PB4L School-wide programme.
School Leaders: Responding to bullying incidents
National Administration Guideline 5There is a range of legislation and guidelines, including National Administration Guideline 5 (NAG 5), which schools and boards of trustees may need to consider in r...
Read more about School Leaders: Responding to bullying incidents
Classroom activities and school events
Classroom activities and school events help to raise awareness of how to prevent and deal with bullying. Use these ideas or create your own to get students talking and learning about bullying preventi...
NetSafe Kit surveys for use with students, community and teachers
NetSafe Kit surveys for use with students, community and teachers.
Visit NetSafe Kit surveys for use with students, community and teachers
A guide for Board of Trustees
Boards play a central role in providing leaders and direction in bullying prevention in their school. Read more about how Boards can build on existing good practice and help identify actions for your...
Whatu Pokeka
Can't Stop, Redcliffs School: lyrics
Oat the Goat classroom experience guidelines
Helping children learn the power of kindness.
Download Oat the Goat Collateral Classroom Experience guidelines Eng [3.9 MB, pdf]
Sacred Heart Girls' College, Hamilton
A clear, well-structured and informed PowerPoint focusing on cyberbullying and what steps young people can take.
Download Sacred Heart Girls College cyberbullying [220 KB, pdf]
Bullying-free NZ: Bullying Prevention and National
To consider all the ways in which the school currently meets the needs of students under NAG 5 and ways in which this could be enhanced.
Download MOE160301 StaffAct3 Bullying prevention2 [190 KB, pdf]
NZSTA - Conflicts and complaints
Visit the NZSTA for information on conflicts and complaints for Board of Trustees.