Professional learning and development

Ten workshops to support schools develop or review their policies.

A series of professional learning and development workshops have been designed to support schools as they develop or review their policy on bullying behaviour.

These workshops help school leaders, teachers and staff to improve their understanding and skills in responding to and working to prevent bullying behaviours, including:

  • Sharing a common understanding of bullying
  • building a positive school culture
  • developing your policy
  • exploring how to integrate teaching positive behaviour into the curriculum.

There are 10 workshops. Below are the slide presentations, handouts and trainer notes needed to hold each workshop.

You can also download the complete slide presentation for all 10 workshops.

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Bullying Prevention Workshops - Implementing the Bullying Prevention Guidance

Full set of professional learning and development workshops that have been designed to support schools as they develop or review their policy on bullying behaviour.

Please also use the feedback form – this will help us improve these workshops and develop further resources to support schools in preventing bullying.

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Bullying Prevention Workshops - Feedback Form

Workshop 1: What is bullying?

This workshop explores what bullying looks like in your particular school and helps all staff become familiar.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 1: What is bullying?

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 1: Handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 1: Trainer Notes

Workshop 2: What does bullying look like?

This workshop includes how to use a common definition of bullying to identify bullying behaviours.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 2: What does bullying look like?

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 2: Handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 2: Trainer notes

Workshop 3: Developing a bullying-prevention policy.

This workshop considers the responsibilities of schools, including NAG 5, to provide a safe physical and emotional environment, and helps trustees, senior management and teachers to outline their policy.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 3: Developing a bullying-prevention policy.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 3: NAG5 handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 3: Tools for Schools handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 3: Trainer notes

Workshop 4: The role of bystanders.

This workshop for senior managers, teachers and trustees explores the different roles students take in bullying situations and the specific role of the bystander.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 4: The role of bystanders.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 4: Competencies template handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 4: The role of bystanders handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 4: Trainer notes

Workshop 5: Preventing bullying.

This workshop considers the range of ways schools can prevent bullying.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 5: Preventing bullying.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 5: Competencies framework handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 5: Preventing bullying handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 5: Trainer notes

Workshop 6: Responding to bullying.

This workshop looks at the range of ways schools can respond to bullying. It looks at what strategies and responses are already in place and what could be done further.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 6: Responding to bullying

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 6: Bullying scenarios handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 6: Method of shared concern handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 6: PB4L Restorative practice model

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 6: Responding to bullying behaviour

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 6: Restorative Practice Kete Book 1

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 6: Restorative Practice Kete Book 2

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 6: Trainer notes

Workshop 7: Bullying prevention and the NZ curriculum.

This workshop considers how bullying prevention can be embedded in the school curriculum and the importance of key competencies in bullying prevention.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 7: Bullying prevention and the NZ curriculum.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 7: Key competencies activities

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 7: Relationships activity handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 7: Science activity handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 7: Trainer notes

Workshop 8: Cyberbullying.

This workshop specifically covers cyberbullying and includes pointers to other information and support.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 8: Cyberbullying

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 8: Cyberbullying FAQs Handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 8: Cyberbullying Trainer Notes

Workshop 9: Working with parents, carers and whānau.

This workshop considers what information a school already communicates to parents, carers and whānau about bullying, and what else they might consider doing when working with parents and whānau.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 9: Working with parents, carers and whānau


Tackling Bullying - A guide for parents and whānau

This guide will help parents, whānau and schools to work together to tackle bullying behaviour. It includes information about bullying and what parents and whānau can do. There are tips for parents...

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 9: Trainer notes

Workshop 10: Using data.

This workshop considers the different ways to gather data to support school policy.

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 10: Using data

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 10: Gathering data handout

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Bullying Prevention Workshop 10: Trainer notes
