A guide for Board of Trustees
Boards play a central role in providing leaders and direction in bullying prevention in their school. Read more about how Boards can build on existing good practice and help identify actions for your school.
On this page:
Bullying is a significant issue for children and young people in New Zealand. It is not a simple problem with a quick and easy answer. There is no single programme or formula that can universally be applied to deal with bullying behaviour. Evidence points to a combination of key components, rather than a specific single programme, as most likely to prevent and reduce bullying. Therefore schools need to design an approach that works for them.
Bullying prevention is shared responsibility. It needs everyone — boards of trustees, school staff, students, parents, whānau, and communities — to work together to prevent bullying behaviour. It requires a commitment to deal with bullying through a multi-layered approached which is consistently applied and constantly evaluated.
Read more about...
- What is bullying?
- Legal responsibilities
- A whole-school approach: the Bullying-Free NZ School Framework
- What do we need? Questions and checklists for Boards of Trustees
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Tackling bullying - a guide for Boards of Trustees
Download BullyingFree Board of Trustees Guide 1017 [8.3 MB, pdf]