Targeted approach (early response and targeted support)
On this page:
Schools can choose from a range of approaches to resolve bullying incidents.
This is a growing area of research, and Australian bullying prevention expert Ken Rigby(external link) has compiled a list of possible Intervention Methods(external link) for schools to consider. These include:
- direct sanctions
- school tribunals
- serious talks
- bullying prevention in positive behaviour support
- mediation
- restorative practices
- the support group method
- method of shared concern.
Restorative practice
Restorative practice is grounded in beliefs about equality, dignity, mana and the potential of all people. It is a relational approach to school life and focuses on building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships across the school community.

PB4L: Restorative Practice support material
Visit the Te Kete Ipurangi website for more support material on 'PB4L Restorative Practice'.
For more information...
Read more about dealing with bullying incidents in the section Responding to bullying.
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