Bullying-Free NZ Week 2019 Competitions
Our competition is now closed.
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Schools competition
Our competition is now closed.
We asked children and young people to write, create, make or compose something to celebrate this year’s Bullying-Free NZ Week theme Whakanuia Tou Ahua Ake! Celebrating Being Us!
It’s a chance for students and schools to promote creativity in dealing with bullying behaviour and to showcase the anti-bullying work of young people across Aotearoa.
Closing date for competition entries was Friday, 31 May 2019.
Age groups
Entries are considered by a panel of representatives from the Bullying Prevention Advisory Group in three groups:
- Junior (Years 1-6)
- Intermediate (Years 7-8)
- Senior (Years 9-13).
Winning entries are selected from each year group and will receive $500 worth of technology or other resources of their choice for their school. All students involved in the award-winning entries receive a Bullying-Free NZ Award Certificate.
The winning entries will be published on the Bullying-Free NZ website.
Competition categories
Promote the Bullying-Free NZ Week theme Whakanuia Tou Ahua Ake! Celebrating Being Us! by:
Print: writing an essay: How my school promotes the theme Whakanuia Tou Ahua Ake! Celebrating Being Us! (500 words maximum).
PowerPoint: making a PowerPoint slide presentation (maximum 2 minutes long).
Performance: filming a video, composing a song, or creating a rap (maximum 2 minutes long).
Be inspired...
Check out the award winners from Bullying-Free NZ Week 2018 Awards.
Does your school have a Bullying Prevention Superstar?
Is there a person or group who have made a real difference to bullying prevention and response in your school?
If so, let us know!!
During Bullying-Free NZ Week 2019 we will celebrate some of the brilliant work schools and others are doing across the country to celebrate difference and reduce and prevent bullying.
Nominate a student, staff member or group from your school. Winning entries will receive an award.
Please tell us:
your name
which school you are from
who you are nominating
why you are nominating them: give details of the work they have been doing.
How to enter
Download and complete one of the entry forms below. There are two versions of the same form - use the one that suits you best.
A competition entry form must be submitted with each entry. Work submitted should be your own original work and must not be copied from any other source.
- Make sure you are clear if you are entering work individually or as a class. Please provide names in full, with correct spelling for if certificates are awarded.
- Submit videos via a Youtube or Vimeo link, or send on a USB stick.
- Presentations must be sent as Powerpoint files.
- Songs must be accompanied by a copy of the lyrics.
- Scanned or photographed work should be sent as good quality, high resolution files.
Send entries and nominations for the 2019 competitions by 5.00pm on or before Friday 31 May to:
Bullying-Free NZ 2018 Competition
Level 4, Matauranga House, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington 6011.
PO Box 1666, Wellington 6140.

Bullying-Free NZ Competition 2019 Entry Form
Complete a competition form for each entry. Print, complete, scan and email this form. Send competition entries by 5pm, Friday 31 May.

Bullying-Free NZ Competition 2019 Entry Form (editable Word document)
Complete a competition form for each entry. Download, complete, and email this form. Send competition entries by 5pm, Friday 31 May.
Competition guidelines
Who can take part?
Schools can enter the work of individuals, classes or the whole-school community. The competition is judged in three groups: Junior (Years 1-6), Intermediate (Years 7-8), and Senior (Years 9-13).
How will the competition be judged?
Entries will be judged by a panel of representatives from the Bullying Prevention Advisory Group. Judges will be looking for entries which best promote the theme Whakanuia Tōu Āhua Ake! Celebrating Being Us! Please note that the judges’ decision is final.
What happens next?
A winner will be selected from each year group. A number of special merit prizes may also be presented.
Entries may be used for future bullying prevention campaigns, including on the Bullying-Free NZ website.