Print category
Take a look at the winning entries, special merit awards and those highly commended in the Bullying-Free Awards 2019, Print category
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We asked students to write an essay, a speech, or produce a piece of writing or artwork to experss what bullying means to them.
Winner: Ashpreet Kaur, Randwick Park School, Auckland
Intermediate group (Years 7-8)
A well written and insightful essay that shows a mature understanding of the impacts of bullying and offers some sage advice.
Ashpreet Kaur, Celebrating Being Us!
Winner: Victoria Roskam, Te Poi School, Matamata
Junior group (Years 1-6)
A powerfully written piece with great use of metaphors and imagery to convey a positive mesage about making tough decisions when the going gets tough.
Special merit: Hannah Kelsall & Grace Rhodes, Karoro School, Greymouth
Intermediate group (Years 7-8)
A simple and clear message of self-acceptance, beautifully presented.

Special merit: Sydney Dow, Hawea Flat School, Lake Hawea
Junior group (Years 1-6)
New Beginnings is a well written narrative with a clear story arc and a positive outcome.
Sydney Dow, New Beginnings
Special merit: Yoda Davidson, Otonga Primary School, Rotorua
Junior group (Years 1-6)
An insightful and powerful message of diversity. Beautifully illustrated with a creative use of sybolism.

Highly commended: Jasmine Lewis, Ponsonby Intermediate School, Auckland
Intermediate group (Years 7-8)
A lovely poem, full of hope, that sets out the importance of hauora for physical, spiritual, mental and social wellbeing.

Highly commended: Tamsin van Riel, Hawea Flat School, Lake Hawea
Junior group (Years 1-6)
A well written story with good use of descriptive language about overcoming bullying on your first day in a new school.
Tasmin van Riel, A New School
Highly commended: Jeremy and Noah, St Clair School, Dunedin
Junior group (Years 1-6)
An original concept with lots of good messaging in a colourful poster. Fantastic effort.
Highly commended: St Patrick's Catholic School, Taupō
Junior group (Years 1-6)
A fantastic whole class effort producing colourful messages of kindness. Beautifully illustrated with lots of detail. The whole class can be proud of their work.