About Bullying-Free NZ Week
For schools and their communities, bullying prevention is an ongoing focus. Use these resources to plan activities to support work all year round.

Bullying-Free NZ Week aims to raise awareness of how to prevent and respond to bullying in schools. The week provides an opportunity for schools to highlight their everyday work and focus on bullying prevention and awareness with students, staff, parents and whānau, and the whole school community.
Schools that encourage respect, value opinions, celebrate difference, and promote positive relationships make it difficult for bullying behaviour to thrive or be tolerated. To achieve this, it needs everyone – school staff, students, trustees, parents, whānau and communities – talking about the issue and working together. The theme provided a great opportunity for all members of your school community to talk about what bullying means to them and for schools to highlight their everyday work to counter bullying.
Ideas for bullying prevention-themed activities
The free Bullying-Free NZ activity pack for students and teachers with a range of bullying prevention-themed ideas, classroom activities and information can be used throughout the year. You will find the latest version in the Bullying-Free NZ Week 2022 section.
Pink Shirt Day
Bullying-Free NZ Week ends with the Mental Health Foundation's Pink Shirt Day (external link)
Celebrated annually around the globe, Pink Shirt Day began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying (external link)(external link), mobilising their whole-school, after a peer was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Pink Shirt Day aims to create schools, workplaces and communities where all people feel safe, valued and respected.
Anyone can celebrate Pink Shirt Day, with schools, workplaces, individuals and communities taking part.
Bullying prevention is an ongoing focus. Use the resources in this year's activity pack to support work all year round.