About Bullying-Free NZ

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About Bullying-Free NZ 

Bullying-Free NZ is an initiative from the Bullying Prevention Advisory Group (BPAG). BPAG is made up of 17 agencies, who collaborate and are committed to reducing bullying in New Zealand schools. The Bullying-Free NZ website is managed by the Ministry of Education.

A stylised cluster of mānuka branches is part of the Bullying-free NZ brandmark.

Whakapūpūtia mai ō mānuka, kia kore ai e whati. ‘Cluster the branches of the mānuka, so they will not break.’

This whakatauki embodies the philosophy of Bullying-free NZ. 

"Together with a shared vision, we know which direction to go, together - we can prevent bullying in Aotearoa."

Mānuka has an important role as a pioneering plant and nurturer of the forest. The growth of mānuka is the first stage towards the growth of a new native forest. It creates shade and shelter from the wind, protecting young native plants which will eventually grow into mature forests (just as together we can all help prevent bullying of our tamariki).

Schools can’t prevent bullying alone. They need the support of whānau and communities to provide safe, positive learning environments for children and young people.

That’s why the Bullying Prevention Advisory Group set up Bullying-free NZ - we all need to work together to prevent bullying.
